CONSUMER CLASSROOM (http://www.consumerclassroom.eu/it/)
Consumer Classroom is a community for teachers that brings together a vast library of resources in Consumer education across the EU, with interactive tools and collaboration to help to prepare and share lessons with students and other teachers.
The website of Consumer Classroom aims to promote Consumer education and, in particular, to promote his teaching in secondary schools in Europe. It is a pan-European multilingual website funded by the Directorate General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission.
The strength of the site is in the quality of its educational resources and its collaboration tools like Composer of lectures, forums and live chat. It is suitable for teachers of students aged between 12-18 years, but open to anyone willing to contribute. The site has been developed to make it easier for teachers knowledge of topics concerning consumers, the creation or selection of ready-to-teach lessons to their students and to collaborate online with other teachers and classes throughout Europe.
To take full advantage of the latest web technologies and the use of community-based Internet, Consumer Classroom provides educational resources ready to be used on a wide range of topics from education to the use of and sustainable consumption and responsible to financial literacy.
Consumer Classroom invites teachers to be part of a community web dynamics of teachers across Europe and beyond. It helps you share information with their students, encourages multi-disciplinary projects between different schools and also offers teachers the opportunity to become experts Consumer education on the website.
The aim of the Consumer Classroom is to become the authoritative voice of online education of consumers, in order to help increase awareness among teenagers, making consumers more aware of the future both at national and European level.