Foodsafety4eu project
Food safety is a top priority for the European Commission. The central goal is to assure a high level of protection of human health through safe products by the food industry – the Europe’s largest manufacturing and employment sector. The EU-funded FOODSAFETY4EU project will design, develop and release a multi-stakeholder platform for the future European Food Safety System (FSS). The platform aims to establish a network of FSS actors at national, European and international level. It will enable them to access resources and data efficiently, synchronise food safety research strategies, share and exchange scientific knowledge and contribute to transparent communication regarding the FSS. The FOODSAFETY4EU platform will maximise cooperation within the system and with the civil society boosting the co-creation of strategies and their translation into policies and funding programmes.
The multi annual project “FoodSafety4EU” is officially started on Jan 1, 2021. The main goal of the project is to start planning integrated actions to put the basis for building together the platform for the Food Safety System of the future in Europe. The goal will be reached through a participatory process by a network of 23 partners (Food Safety Authorities, expert in food safety research, social innovation and communication, ICT company, industry and consumer associations) interacting with the 44 project’s stakeholders, named “Supporting Partners”. ECU is one of the “Supporting Partners” and has been invited for the “FoodSafety4EU Supporting Partners Meeting” during the Kick-Off Meeting on 29 January 2021.

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